Sunday, March 9, 2025

Tuck Shop – Australian Meat Pies – NYC

New York City Foodie Adventure Day 2 Part 4 of …. –

Tuck Shop near Houston St in East Village


After our experience with the first pizzeria in America at Lombardi’s, we were noticeably slower in our pace as we continued our way up Mott Street to Houston St (pronounced How-ston). I think the dumplings, banh mi, and the coal-oven pizza were starting to take its toll on us, but we continued our gastronomical expedition and reached Tuck Shop, a small hole-in-the-wall dive near the NW corner Houston St and 1st Ave in Manhattan’s East Village.


Inside, the Tuck Shop looks like a perfect place to go for a late-night snack after a night of heavy drinking: darkly lit and cluttered, a single glass display case of the delicious Australian meat pies along the wall. The owner at the shop is Australian who appears as though he may had just waken up, still sleepy no doubt from a busy debaucherous night before.


After looking over the menu of beef pies, curry chicken pies, sausage rolls and more, we decide on the lamb and veg meat pie ($5).

Not Mrs Lovett’s Meat Pies: But The Lamb and Veg Meat Pie at Tuck Shop

Lamb and Veg Pie: Up Close and Personal

The homemade puffy, buttery pastry is filled with creamy lamb meat chunks, potatoes, and other good veggies. I thought the crust was excellent as well as the creamy texture of the fillings. However I did notice a bit of a lack of flavor but what’s this?…….

Our trusty friend Mr Sriracha has made a appearance again, this time at Tuck Shop, returning to our aide with his good friend Mr Mae Ploy sweet chili sauce.

A dose of both of these bad boys helped the meat pies out alot and the result was just delicious.

The Tuck Shop was also featured in New York Magazine’s Best of Cheap Eats 2006.

Tuck Shop
68 E 1st St, New York, NY? – (212) 979-5200?

Tasty Chomps Rating!!!
3 out of 5 TASTY CHOMPS!!!

As soon as we finished our tasty meat pie morsels, we were off and onward toward our next destination: Russ and Daughter’s for their famous and divine nova lox and bagel.

Tuck Shop on Urbanspoon

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