While in Phan Thiet, in south Vietnam, we came across miles and miles of these fruit trees. The fruit were picked and laid out in buckets in front of these little shops by the road. Can you tell me, what are these fruits?? Answer below in the comments!

Dragon Fruit! Yum
I've been so tempted to try them here, but they aren't cheap, and I have no idea what they taste like. So what DO they taste like?
its like a cross between a kiwi and a pear, but very mild and light tasting. i like it chilled
yess heather you are correct, in vietnam a kilogram of dragonfruit is approximately 50 cents
Dragon fruit! I think it tastes like a less flavorful kiwi. Beautiful appearance when you cut one open.
Dragon fruit was insanely cheap in Thailand, and it tasted a world better than I've had it here in the states; it was incredible.
I found them at 1st Oriental Market in Pine Hills for $2.99/lb last week, better than Publix prices at least.