Sunday, March 9, 2025

Disney’s Animal Kingdom and Mickey Mouse premium ice cream bar

Disney’s Animal Kingdom and Mickey Mouse premium ice cream bar


I recently decided to head out to Disney’s Animal Kingdom for the first time with some family and loved ones. It proved to be a great trip for me, despite the hot Florida sun beaming down on us from above and then the torrential afternoon rains, no fault of the park’s of course. I really liked the place and would love to go back. I would recommend Disney to build a few more crazy rides to try out though 😀


The Tree of Life – I think there are over 100 animals sculpted on this huge tree at the center of Disney’s Animal Kingdom @_@

Her name is Divine or Da-vine, get it? – very cool street performer, she was in character and moved around like a acrobatic vine


The Lion King show – Festival of the Lion Parade – what an awesome show it was


Monkey Trapeze artists and Timon


High in the sky Monkeys at Festival of the Lion at Disney’s Animal Kingdom


Flamethrowing juggler to the tune of Scar’s Be Prepared


Pink Flamingo (they’re pink cause of the pink shrimp that they eat)


A Rhinosaurus chillin’ in the sun. RAWR


The giraffe is getting food in the middle of the trunk lol


this goat was tagged by Mickey Mouse


semi racist statue at the Kali River Rapids


not sure why his teeth are so big….seriously Disney why? 🙁

Mickey’s Premium Ice Cream Bar




The Mickey Mouse ice cream bar was a welcomed confection to give some respite to the hot florida sun. the chocolate covered ice cream bar was absolutely tantalizing to the tongue. definitely a must try.

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  1. major.
    major LOLZ!
    "why disney, why?!" since when is disney NOT racist?! i recently watched Mulan (had never seen it) and on the DVD special features it showed "disney animation artists on location doing RESEARCH for the landscapes and architecture of ancient china."

    THEY WERE IN FUCKING EPCOT! Yeah. They did research ON LOCATION at their very on recreation of China at the Epcot World Showcase. I was hysterical.

    I could go on but it's great to see that although Animal Kingdom is a fairly new addition to DW the old habits still remain the same.