Saturday, March 8, 2025

Dessert Truck – East Village – New York City

Dessert Truck
East Village, Manhattan
St Marks Place and 3rd Avenue
Sunday July 20th 2009 – 10:10PM

It is a late night. We decide to head our to St Marks Place to go foodie hopping. Joining me on this trip are brothers from the St Johns University, University of South Florida, and University of Florida. We pack into two cars and head out from Flushing to the City.


When we got to East Village and parked, Lo and behold in front of me parked is the mythical Dessert Truck, the stuff of twitter legends and rumors of postings popularized in Orlando on the blog I was happy to try it out and quickly crossed the street with about 10 of us following behind with another group of about 4 on the way.

According to their site,

DessertTruck is a mobile food concept based in the heart of New York City. We bring
desserts from the world of fine-dining into the realm of everyday enjoyment. At our
mobile food truck, there’s no BS, no pretension. Just really good desserts.

I approached the Dessert Truck and noticed that they were sold out of their offerings besides their New York cheesecake and the Molten Dark Chocolate Cake. I decide to pick the dark chocolate cake ($6) and it came out quickly in a paper cup, topped with vanilla ice cream, hazel nuts, sea salt and with a olive oil and chocolatey center.

Molten Dark Chocolate Cake

Molten Dark Chocolate Cake

I let Romel, a brother from the University of South Florida, have a taste and he asks me immediately, “what just happened in my mouth?”

The chocolate melted warm, the ice creamy cool of the vanilla, the hazel nut crunch, all come together to dance on our tastebuds in the warm New York summer night.

“It’s good isn’t it?” I replied.

He nodded in agreement.

Follow them on twitter!

A taxi drove by, and the guy looked like Andrew haha


but it wasn’t as Andrew drives a antique BMW, running on vegetable oil!


we continue our way to ippudo but it is closed again ! we just missed it


We continue our path towards Continental bar, where you can find $10 for 5 shots of anything. ANYTHING.

Dessert Truck on Urbanspoon

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