Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Heading to Hong Kong ! and other news!

Dear loyal readers,

I have some exciting news to post today: I am heading to Hong Kong in less than three days! I will be gone with my loved ones for a few weeks for a vacation. Very excited! Anyone have any tips of where to go, what to do, and especially, what to eat?? 🙂 I’ll give a report when I return!

Also, I was invited to a foodie-space-blogger extravaganza hosted by Dunkin Donuts of Central Florida (@ddcentfla on twitter) and Kennedy Space Center (@explorespaceksc) on this Thursday but seeing how I am going to be on the other side of the world that day, I have asked my good friend (@my_linh), space enthusiast and UCF engineering grad, to help me out by updating our twitter (@tastychomps) for a live tweeting of the festivities. It should be an awesome day of donuts, space rocket gardens, and meeting real live astronauts! Follow us on twitter this Thursday starting at 8:30am!

Keep it tasty,

Tasty Chomps

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