Sunday, March 9, 2025

Downtown Food and Wine Festival GIVEAWAY at Lake Eola in Orlando

The Downtown Food and Wine Festival at Lake Eola in Orlando is going on this Saturday March 31 – Sunday April 1 2012 with featured celebrity chefs from Bravo’s Top Chef and Food network as well as performances by American Idol Winner David Cook.

Admission is $10 per person, per day with advance online purchase at Tickets are also available at Centennial Bank and Mercedes-Benz locations throughout Central Florida. Admission at the door is $15 per person, per day. Admission for children under age 12 is free. Food tickets are available at the event for $2 each; food and wine tastings range from 1-4 tickets.

We are doing a giveaway in conjunction with the Downtown Food and Wine Festival for a PAIR of free tickets to the event on the date of your choice (Saturday or Sunday)

Complete the following requirements to enter:

1. Sign up for the upcoming e-newsletter here! Don’t worry we won’t spam you, only send you periodically the latest and greatest foodie news, updates, events, and more! (if you already signed up, skip on to number 2)

2. Answer all of the following questions correctly about the Downtown Food and Wine Festival in the comments below (make sure to include your e-mail when submitting). All answers can be found at

a. What foundation is the Downtown Food and Wine Festival benefitting?

b. True or False: American Idol David Cook will be performing on Saturday

c. What is the name of the Sous Chef from Dexter’s who will be performing on the Chef’s Stage on Saturday?

d. One of the restaurants at the event, Graze, is located in what city?

e. What is your favorite restaurant that will be at the event?

Deadline for entry: Thursday March 22, 2012 at 11:00pm.

The Winner will be chosen randomly from the correct answers and announced here on this page Friday morning by 12:01 am and the Downtown Food and Wine Festival folks will send you the tickets! Good luck!! The comments will be published after the end of the deadline.


The winner is Danielle K! Check your e-mail Danielle!

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  1. a. What foundation is the Downtown Food and Wine Festival benefitting?
    Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association Educational Foundation

    b. True or False: American Idol David Cook will be performing on Saturday

    c. What is the name of the Sous Chef from Dexter’s who will be performing on the Chef’s Stage on Saturday?
    Ian Hollman

    d. One of the restaurants at the event, Graze, is located in what city?

    e. What is your favorite restaurant that will be at the event?
    Taverna Opa or Sushi House