Friday, October 18, 2024

Rangetsu – International Drive – Orlando

Ran-getsu Japanese Restaurant – International Drive – Orlando



Garden at Ran-getsu

Who will feed the Koi fish then?
For over 24 years, Ran-getsu has stood with its tranquil blue tiled roofs on the bustling International Drive and served Central Floridians and tourists alike with their authentic Japanese meals. Many friends have had their first dates here over with fresh sliced sushi rolls, or a steaming hot pot of shabu shabu soup, or a sizzling plate of sukiyaki beef.

This week is the last for Ran-getsu, they will be closing their doors this Thursday for good. After many many years of good memories, the economy has finally taken its toll on the place. (see Scott Joseph’s report on their closing)

The first time I’ve ever been to Ran-getsu was during the Japan Festival of Orlando a few years ago when Ran-getsu hosted the event with vendors, artists, musicians, and crowds of people packed the halls of Ran-getsu for a taste of Japan.
This past weekend a few friends and I decided to visit Ran-getsu one last time. We went during their special rolls menu was offered between 5-630pm where you could order 3 rolls and a soup/salad for $12.95. My partner ordered a udon bowl and we also ordered chicken karaage (fried pieces of chicken with a lemon zest), spicy tuna seaweed salad, and some gyoza dumplings.
Some of the rolls ranged from the Black Alaska roll, Spicy tuna roll, Tempura Bagel Roll, Bagel roll, dynamite roll, eel roll, and more. All the rolls were quite delicious.
During our visit, there was also a performance by a traditional Japanese dance troupe who dedicated their last performance to Ran-getsu. It truly is a sad occasion to say good bye to this iconic place which set the vanguard for Japanese cuisine and sushi’s cultural expansion into Central Florida.
Sayonara Ran-getsu!

Gyoza Dumplings @ Ran-Getsu

Chicken Karaage – @ Ran-getsu

Spicy Tuna Seaweed Salad @Rangetsu

Miso soup @ Ran-getsu

Tempura Bagel Roll

Assorted Sushi Rolls (Maki)

Maki !!

More maki

Udon !

Fried Banana Tempura with ice cream and red beans

Red Bean Ice Cream!

A View outside

Waiting to perform their last dance


Sayonara Ran-getsu


Letter from

Dear. Rangetsu of Tokyo Patrons,

It is with a heavy heart that we must announce the closing of Rangetsu of Tokyo.
We have been in business for 24 years and have witnessed the best and worst of these economic times and managed to survive during all these years. Unfortunately, the pressure put upon us during this economic crisis was beyond what we could imagine. We are closing our 24 years of history on March 31, 2010.

So it is with great sadness that we say farewell to our customers. Rangetsu wishes warm regards to our devoted clientele who through the years have been considered as part of our family. Words could not express our gratitude for your years of royal patronage.

We hope there comes the day when we announce to our esteemed public Rangetsu of Tokyo has opened its doors once again.

Ran-Getsu of Tokyo on Urbanspoon

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