Thursday, March 6, 2025

Smart Cookie: An Interview with Steve Lewis, founder of Gideon’s Bakehouse of Disney Springs and Audubon Park

You may have seen these viral, massive, almost-half-pound, chocolate chip-full cookies from gothic Victorian era–themed Gideon’s Bakehouse around town; their original location is inside East End Market in Audubon Park, and their second, at Disney Springs, is almost always sure to have a long line wrapped around the building. We spoke via email with Steve Lewis, owner of Gideon’s Bakehouse, about the evolution of Gideon’s and their upcoming plans.

How did Gideon’s all begin?

Technically, Gideon’s began when I was a little kid dealing with the pressures of little kid life. I learned early on that baking was my stress hobby, and I started working on what is now my chocolate chip cookie recipe when I was a young teenager. The goal was never to open a bakery, and that’s why Gideon’s is so personal. It’s more of a collection of memories and heartache than a traditional business.

How would you describe Gideon’s to someone who has never experienced it before?

I describe Gideon’s more like an art gallery than a bakery. It’s a collection of stories that come in various forms, from cookies to cold brew to trading cards. I also talk about Gideon’s as a community. I value being a small business in the Central Florida food scene, and I love that my little bakery is a place where so many friendships are born. Very rarely do I lead with the desserts. That’s something everyone can discover and (hopefully) enjoy on their own.

Steve Lewis, owner of Gideon’s Bakehouse. (COURTESY OF GIDEON’S BAKEHOUSE)

How have things changed or remained the same since starting out?

Very stubbornly, not much about the hows and whys of Gideon’s has changed. Everything is still made the same now as when I was selling cookies alone from my kitchen. What has changed most is the spotlight, for better or for worse. Having a big crew is wonderful because it allows for an explosion of creativity, and we make the most of that. But the spotlight also gives a public impression that we’re a big company, and I prefer feeling like a little local secret.

What about being in Orlando makes it a special place for your company?

Orlando is the home of my recipes. I worked things out in a little rented shack in College Park. At the time, there wasn’t a solid scene in Central Florida for local business. Gideon’s had a chance to pop up at the East End Market just as things started to blow up, and I got to be a small part of what has made our community so very special. I could have easily and quickly crashed and burned, but Orlando lifted me up and opened many doors. That means everything to me.

What are some of the most popular items to get right now? Some hidden gems?

Oh wow! To each their own! Even what I like best changes daily with my mood. However, you’re really missing out if you’re not pairing the Banana Bread Chocolate Chip Cookie with the Peanut Butter Nitro Cold Brew. As for hidden gems, the Hot Cookie Hour at Gideon’s in Disney Springs is intensely dangerous, scooping Kelly’s Homemade Ice Cream on top of a Hot Chocolate Chip Cookie. The Candied Walnut Cookie every Wednesday at the OG location in the East End Market is something special. Many people will tell you that the cake slices are the real hidden gem!

What are some upcoming plans for Gideon’s this year?

We’re working on some fun spin-off projects. I don’t want to open up another Gideon’s, but we release characters with our desserts each month, and some of them need to fly and be free in their own little worlds. Everything inside of Gideon’s right now is prep for October! It’s our biggest month of the year when we release a never-before-seen dessert and piece of merch every weekend of the month! It’s a lot of hustle and almost kills us all, but we’re gluttons for punishment and look forward to it!

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