Food Blog Forum Orlando 2013 was an exciting full-day event at Walt Disney World for food bloggers on the weekend of Saturday, May 18. I had went last year and had such a wonderful time that I wanted to go again this year – and thankfully I was one of the few who made it on the site in the first ten minutes to sign up in time!
This event was produced by Food Blog Forum with Jaden & Scott Hair of Steamy Kitchen, Todd & Diane of White On Rice Couple, Julie Deily of The Little Kitchen and Lindsay Landis of Love & Olive Oil and sponsored by Walt Disney World, Florida Milk, KitchenAid, and OXO. Pam Brandon, Karen McClintock, and all the wonderful staff at Disney really did an excellent job hosting all of us…truly a master feat.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Friday Evening – Welcome Reception for Attendees at Disney’s Grand Floridian
Karen McClintock of Disney – doing some quality control for the lamb belly dish
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Coffee and continental breakfast provided by Walt Disney World
Welcome! From Disney Social Media Manager

For all sorts of fun Disney news, check out presents Redefining Success and Setting Goals
1. Always start with the emotion that you are trying to achieve – Ask yourself : “Right now I am trying to achieve X, what will X give me?” – Power, freedom, ability, family,
2. Life changes when you change your focus
3. Finding ways to pursue that emotional feeling you want with the things you are currently doing ie through the career
4. When you enjoy what you are doing that reaps more success
White on Rice Couple – Diane Cu and Todd Porter
Make videos using
Need to get a mic for camera to amplify sound and cut out background noise
Free play music / triple scoop music / with etiquette
Noir Photo / filter Storm /Camera + / VSCO Cam / Snapseed
Crazy epic lunch – Disney Kid’s menu theme
Cinderella Castle – Turkey pot pie soup with a slipper
EPCOT – Canada Pavillion’s Cheddar Cheese Soup and BakeSpace talk about the importance of mobile in the coming years
Disney Imagineer Tim Warzecha talks about the process of creating an authentic restaurant Sanaa with African and Indian cultural flavors in the decor
Lindsay, David, Julie, and Jeff talk about building communities
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Brunch At Whole Foods Market Orlando – for Attendees and Family
Check out Sean’s Awesome Graphic design at – he is available for hire
Thank you so much Lindsay and Julie for putting this event on!
Awesome photos! Glad to have met you this past weekend.
Great recap Ricky! It was great seeing you again!
wonder full collection of photo.. lovely post 🙂